Virtual Programs

Music Share for Seniors’ Virtual Program connects seniors living in care facilities with trained Program Facilitators for one-to-one and small group music listening experiences over scheduled Zoom video calls.

Bring Music Share for Seniors to your Community!

How It Works

Our Program Facilitators provide personalized music playlists and engage with participants over Zoom calls, in an effort to trigger memories and build new meaningful relationships. Music Share for Seniors provides all necessary program materials, including a tablet connected to cellular data to ensure a stable connection throughout the sessions. Our Virtual program has proven to be a safe and effective way of engaging with isolated seniors, while eliminating the risk of transmitting any contagious illnesses.

How We Help

Our Virtual program has proven to be an effective way of reaching isolated seniors who are not currently participating in other available programs. Since our Virtual Program can be facilitated anywhere that an Ipad and Speaker can be placed, it allows our Program Facilitators to engage with our participants wherever is most convenient and comfortable for them. This program has proven to be a succesful model for reaching residents during viral outbreaks, when other in-person programs have to be temporarily postponed.

Health Benefits

A recent study conducted by Bethell et al. (2021) stated that, maintaining positive relationships with family and friends is of utmost importance to many LTC residents, and a lack of visits from family and friends can lead to feelings of abandonment.

In a study conducted by Sung et al., (2010) their results indicated that older adults who received preferred music listening had a significantly lower anxiety score at six weeks when compared with those who received the usual standard care with no music.

What's Included

One-to-One Interaction

Remote Playlisting

Equipment & Tech

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