Modern Jukebox

The Modern Jukebox workshop is designed to teach seniors how to access their favourite music, and build their own personalized music library using Spotify.

Bring Modern Jukebox to your Community!

How It Works

The workshops take participants through every step of creating and outfitting their own Spotify account, and we provide written documents which participants can refer back to after the workshop has ended. If you are a retirement community, long-term care community, or community center and want to empower your residents, please contact us now about setting up a workshop for your community.

How We Help

Many older adults have the necessary equipment to access websites like Spotify, but are unsure, or unaware of how these sites can help them rediscover their cherished music, and reconnect them with friends and family. We are here to help teach older adults how to access their favorite music, recreate their musical library and share their favorite songs with their friends and loved ones.

Health Benefits

A study conducted by Arroyo-Anlló et al. (2013), found a correlation between improving “self-consciousness” amongst individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, when participating in listening to familiar music.

A study conducted by Sihvonen et al. (2017) found that, the brain maintains its plastic properties to some degree as we age. Music-listening experiences mold certain areas of the brain, even after neural damage, and provide long-term changes.  

What's Included

One-to-One Interaction

Remote Playlisting

Equipment & Tech

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